Corporate profile for
Peter A Hill & Associates Pty Ltd
21 Henty Street
East Brighton, Victoria 3187
Tel: 61+3-9593 1998
Fax: 61+3-9593 3378
The Business
The consultancy was originally established in the early nineties in Melbourne and operates across most states of Australia.
The principal, Peter Alan Hill has the degrees Master of Business Administration (RMIT University), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (University of Melbourne), and Bachelor of Arts (University of Melbourne) majoring in economics and psychology. He has completed graduate external studies in market research and transport planning recognised by the Institution of Engineers. His professional experience covers project engineering in manufacturing industry (six years), then in commercial sales, sales management, strategic market planning and research, and pricing management with Mobil Oil Australia over 13 years. His last corporate position was as Commercial Business Development Manager with Mobil.
The consultancy focuses mainly on the following five areas:
- Strategic business planning, economic research, market research and development of business and marketing strategies and databases for clients. Within its strategic business/marketing operations are the following three main areas:
- strategic audit of corporations and their prevailing environments, evaluation of business policies and processes, and development and implementation of new corporate strategy and change processes. Sectors catered for include manufacturing, transport, general service industries and government institutions
- development and management of programs for improving traditional urban retail and commercial districts. Assessing the impact upon retail centres of changing service technology, and creating strategies for retailers to adapt to these and other industry changes
- evaluation and development of passenger surface transport services, providing services mainly to the land-based passenger and tourist transit or public transport industry, and to urban planners, retailers and retail developers and local government.
- Evaluation of freight transportation for risk and contingency assessment and contingency planning. Experience gained in the industry sectors of wharf operations, storage and road transportation of hazardous cargoes.
The consultancy retains a range of consultants whose skills and professional expertise enable the services to be provided as a managed team where required. The capabilities of the consultants is in strategic and "hands-on" marketing, operational risk and contingency planning, HR/IR, strategic analysis of the road and rail transport and bus transit in Australia, the services and petroleum products markets in these transport industries, and in urban planning and research. Other capabilities include corporate planning, commercial market surveys, business plans and product positioning for manufacturing and service industries, tendering to government and private sector clients, petroleum retail marketing, using research strategies of industry databases, survey questionnaires and statistical analysis.
We will undertake projects on either a time-cost or a total payment basis, as appropriate to the project in terms of size, special skills and risk involved. Period charge-out rates are structured according to the predictability and span of the project, and any unusual large expenses.
The business strategic planning process essentially consists of 5 activities done in conjunction with client key management:
Establish business objectives
Appraise the present position
Formulate a strategy
Prepare and implement the strategic plan
Evaluate and control the execution of this plan
Our methodology for developing the business plan is briefly summarised as follows:
Conduct strategic audit of corporation
- Summary of Organisation’s current position: mission/vision; financial performance - previous 3 years to now; operating performance - previous 3 years to now; and discussion of performance
- Summary of external environment: key remote environmental factors; enhanced 5-forces analysis, major competitor analysis; CSFs; and summary of organisation’s strategic position
- Analysis of Organisation’s capabilities: "7 S’s", key capabilities and core competencies; major strategic capability gaps; summary of Organisation’s strategic position
- Gap analysis summary.
Develop new strategy, and its implementation plan
- Propose strategies: mission/vision statement; proposed business strategy; supporting functional strategies
- Devise action plans: major actions; individuals responsible for them; timetable for major actions
- Quantified plans: operations plan (1 year detailed); financial plans (1 year detailed; 3 years)
- Assist client management in successful implementation of change.
Project management
- Manage sub-consultants and service suppliers. Prepare and maintain timetables, monitor project milestones, and liaison with client.
Data and Technical Resources
- Extensive industry research databases, and technical library
Market research
- Analysis of customer behaviour, and structure of a chosen industry or of businesses in a geographic region.
- research projects include initial brief, definition of research purpose and objectives, value of research, research design, research implementation, conclusion and management recommendations.
- full report writing, and preliminary reporting as required.
Market planning
- Business marketing planning and product/service concept generation and evaluation using proven methodologies
- Bench-marking and accreditation of service industry standards
- business advertising and promotion strategies
- communications programs, including database and Internet strategies.
Financial analysis
- Cash flow projections and analysis of profitability and sensitivity
Project management
- Manage sub-consultants and service suppliers. Prepare and maintain timetables, monitor project milestones, and liaison with client.
- Management of the client’s tendering process for specific tendered contracts.
Public liaison
- We can undertake liaison with public and regulatory bodies, and industry bodies, etc.
Data and Technical Resources
- Extensive demographic and market research databases, and technical library
- PC-based statistical analysis and demographic modelling programs, and census data
Market research
- research projects include initial brief, definition of research purpose and objectives, value of research, research design, data sourcing, research implementation, conclusion and management recommendations
- analysis of personal travel behaviour
- analysis of freight demand and economics
- full report writing, and preliminary reporting as required
- Analysis of present and potential demand for land based transit services
Product design and market positioning
- Product concept generation, ie. advice of suitable candidate forms of transit to satisfy the needs and wants of prospective customers
- marketing and pricing strategies
- transport route planning and scheduling and advice on statutory approval process
- promotion strategies
- customer information service programs
Financial analysis
- Cash flow projections and analysis of profitability, cost benefit analysis, including sensitivity analysis of transit service proposals in conjunction with client.
Project management and professional resources
- Manage sub-consultants and service suppliers. Prepare and maintain timetables, monitor project milestones, and status reporting to client.
Public liaison
- We can undertake liaison with public and regulatory bodies, and industry bodies, etc.
Data and Technical Resources
- Extensive demographic and market research databases, and technical library
- PC-based spreadsheet and relational database tools
- PC-based statistical analysis and demographic modelling programs, and census data
Strategic Management and Marketing
- Wrote an operations market study of the Australian vehicle servicing, road freight and bus charter and route transport industries for Mobil Oil, noting economic trends affecting growth in these sectors, defining specific market share opportunities for Mobil (1987). Undertook extensive interviews and market research of these industries. Developed cost benefit model. Senior management accepted major findings and recommendations, including the re-launch of Mobilcard vending card by another project team winning large slices of fuels sales to small transport fleets via service stations.
- Developed costing models and computer programs for Mobil Oil for aiding strategic business pricing decisions, product costing, sales margins, and price changes (1988-90).
- Developed commercial customer databases using ASIC categorisation method in researching and implementing market expansion opportunities by business sectors for Mobil (1991-2).
- Evaluation of government operated metro bus services, and recommendation of business strategies for a major consortium (Yellow Bus Company) of Melbourne-based bus companies. Project commenced 11/1992; tender submitted 5/1993 for southern MET routes. (see also Transport)
- Review of market opportunities for Skybus (1994), and survey of client demand and its price sensitivity for the Skybus airport transit service (1995). (see also Transport)
- Conducted facilitation workshops, developed business planning strategy, initial issues and framework paper for Southern Family Life Inc., a Melbourne-based family counselling agency.
Preparation of Tenders for contracted clients
This operation draws upon our extensive experience in preparing winning business strategies and the related successful tenders. Experience has been gained in oil industry marketing and in tendering for consulting contracts. We prepare tender bids for clients who perceive that they lack key areas of skills in preparing tendering strategies and/or the final draft tender documentation. Most recent and largest tender was the management of preparation of a tender by a credit management company for the provision of credit agency (debt collection services for a major Victorian government owned trading enterprise (water and sewerage industry).
Retail and Land Use Planning and Research
- Prepared and presented detailed presentation to the independent panel of inquiry (1992) into the application by Westfield to expand Southland shopping centre in Melbourne. Basis of objection was that increased car travel to Southland would create major traffic congestion in its vicinity and increased external costs, and commercial dislocation of local shopping centres.
- Advice to the Metropolitan Centres Policy advisory steering committee (project 15) established by the Victorian Ministry of Planning and Development, and led by its key executives (2/1993).
- For retailer clients in established strips in the Springvale region, performed research, wrote report and presented case opposing developer's application to extend Springvale Plaza (1993). Built coalition of retailers and property owners.· Created retail business database for association of Springvale retailers.
Transport Planning
Major public consultation on behalf of the Public Transport Users Association to the Victorian Public Transport Corporation in its 1991 review of all privately operated bus routes in metropolitan Melbourne. Interviews with bus operators, definition of service quality standards.
- Joint author of "Greening Melbourne with Public Transport" published in 1991. Detailed analysis of how a future transit system, properly resourced and marketed, would achieve the Toronto Convention target for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the passenger transport sector. (PTUA, Melbourne, ISBN 0 646 05521 6).
- Market surveys of certain urban sectors to determine current and potential demand for public transport services (1991).
- Presented paper to the national conference for Intelligent Vehicles and Highway Systems in Melbourne (October 1992). This paper discussed opportunities for improving transit by using emerging information technology in fleet management and customer information.
- Commercial studies of government metro bus services, and recommendation of business strategies for a major consortium (Yellow Bus Company) of Melbourne-based bus companies.
- An adviser to the Victorian Strategic Transport Study (VSTS) and participation in the VSTS Leaders' group process.
- Submission of recommendations to the Industry Commission's inquiry into Urban Transport in Australia (1993).
- Analysis of economic and public transport patronage trends in Melbourne's inner suburbs represented by Inner Metropolitan Regional Association (1994).
- Reviewed transport access issues and improvements to bus services to Hampton Street shopping centre (Hampton Traders Association, 1994).
- Reviewed market opportunities for Skybus, and service restructuring options (1994).
- Reviewed Multi Purpose Taxi Program and developed new policy for Department of Transport, Victoria (1995).
- Surveyed and assessed client demand and its price sensitivity for the Skybus airport transit service. Evaluation of potential rail competition (1995).
- Appraisal of Springvale traffic study for Save Springvale Shopping Centre Association (1995).
- Conducted freight transport analysis as part of hazard risk assessment of the Scoresby Transport planning corridor for Marsh McLennan, and Sinclair Knight Merz lead consultant to Department of Transport Victoria (1996-7)
- Conducted feasibility study of future marketing programs for public transport services within the City of Banyule (outer Melbourne, 1997).
- Conducted hazardous freight transport survey for risk analysis as part of environmental effect study of Webb Dock extension for Marsh McLennan as lead consultant to Melbourne Ports Corporation (1997).
- Conducted hazardous freight transport survey for risk analysis as part of environmental impact study of Beverley Uranium Mine (S. Aust.) for Marsh McLennan and Hames Sharley (lead consultant) (1998).
- Feasibility study of passenger transport interchange terminal at Melbourne Airport for Transport Management Group (Melbourne), and appraisal of industry environment and new communications management technology (1998).
- Conducted hazardous freight transport survey for risk analysis as part of environmental impact study of Honeymoon Uranium Mine (S. Aust.) for J H Marsh & McLennan consulting to Southern Cross Developments (1998).
- Prepared Expression of Interest for BTI Pty Ltd to qualify to tender for Adelaide metropolitan bus services (1999).